Monday, April 20, 2015

Missing Uncle

We were so glad to have Uncle Billy here to preach our fellowship meeting and stay the weekend with us. 
When Bro. Tim Brown saw Uncle at our fellowship meeting he said man I haven't heard you preach in so long I hope you preach 2 hours :-) we were all backing him on that one! 
Many of our people came to us last night after service and said how much they really enjoyed his preaching and hope that we will have him come again. 

One message that will stick with me forever he preached Sunday morning 
"3 deminsions of the Holyghost" 
#1 Your comfortor 
#2 Your guide 
#3 Your power to witness

We so enjoyed visiting and spending time with him and him being with us in service.  I will cherish this weekend forever. 

Today before he had to fly out we took him and Trav's parents over to Yuma Territorial Prison. If you like history you can't come to Yuma without visiting this place. 

When he left I couldn't stop the tears that came to my eyes. Me and Trav got back in the truck and Trav just sat there and his dad asked what he was doing and he said I'm waiting in case Elijah's mantle falls when that plane takes off, I want to get it. 
For there is no doubt that Elder William Burgess is our modern day Elijah. 
But we know The Lord won't be taking him up as he did Elijah right now for Aunt Helen needs him. 
I ask that you lift them both up in prayer as they face these trying days. 
I know that God will be with them. For He is our comfortor always. 

We've been doing a little bit of work making things a little more colorful and if you know me you know I like things clean looking, uncluttered, organized and just pretty yet simple kinda. 
Now (work in progress)
So we are in process a little section at a time building a flower bed around the whole church. So we started right here. In the next few weeks we will be putting in some nice desert beauty. I do so love the desert and I find desert plants so pretty. One of my favorite I think is the prickly pear cactus. Yes I know some of you think I'm looney but hey God knew exactly where to put me. In the midst of all Gods wondrous beauty that only someone with a special eye could appreciate because only a certain few can find the beauty in the desert. I was just telling my mother in law today, how beautiful the hills and the desert and cactus were, and she said but it's just so barren and plain and just brown. Maybe I just see something different because that's not how I see it. Weird huh. Ok so enough rambling and back to pictures of me trying my hand at flowers. As I grow older I find beauty in things I never have before. Such as flowers.... Yes they were always so boring to me until now that we have our own church I'm like we need to make this place just totally pop out to people when they drive by. Soooo off we go to buy flowers and would you believe I water these things every day and go check on them every day to see how they are doing as if their my kids or something hahah. And yes I know their season is almost over here but I couldn't resist. And the lady at the store told me if I baby them a lot I might get 2 more months out of them so I'm working on it real hard. 
These little babies have literally doubled in size since I bought them on Friday and I am not exaggerating. Trav takes the morning watering shift and I take the evening. They are looking just lovely. Next you know I'll be talking to them in encouragement. Hehe

Here are some I put out front which aren't growing as fast. But they are doing good. The sun is shining so bright it's a little hard to see them. 

Today we flooded for watering the yard. This is the front of our church kinda a side view as I stood by the road 
And here is my humble abode. 

Gods blessings are so sweet. He's such an awesome God I can't even express it all in words. 
I have found I can never ever out give God. 
You pay your tithe and your offering just down to the penny, well guess what, God will give you exactly what you need to get by on. For isn't that what you doing to Him? Giving Him just exactly what is required? 
But try this. Round to the nearest 5 or the nearest 10 even when you pay your tithe AND your offering, give extra beyond that even just because you want to bless God. What do you think He's going to do? He's not going to just fill your cup, He's going to overflow it and say hey you better go ask your neighbors for some of their vessels because I'm not done pouring. 
Don't give unto God to be blessed, give unto God to be a blessing to God, as a cheerful giver. 
Well glory! Look at me needing to zip my lip about now no doubt ;-) 
Don't forget to give of yourself, remember always that someone is watching you. In just 6 months of living in Yuma many people recognize me in places I frequent. There's always someone that can be witnessed to. Just last night our waitress wanted to know where do we go to church we told her the name of our church and what road it was on and she said oh yes she knew exactly where it was. We invited her of course but she said no she works all day Sundays and goes to her church group Tuesdays. But before we left she came back and said actually can I write down your church times. Maybe I could make time to come and see what it's like. We gave her a card of course. But you see you just never know what impact your making. What kind of witness are you being in your own personal harvest field. 

So since this has become the longest post ever I will postpone the office update for a later date. 
Trav's office is mostly complete. The shower needs installed and then we need some wall decor as they are a little bare. 
Perhaps I can get to posting before and after pictures this week. 

I hope you all had as awesome of church services as we did yesterday. Looking forward to a great move of God here in our YPA prayer room in less than an hour. 


Sis Luke said...

Looks like you had a fun time with your family and Uncle!!!! So happy he was able to come and I know your chuch was blessed!!
Your church is looking so good with all of your TLC!!!
Hope to see you again soon!! God bless!!!!

Gram said...

Really enjoyed your post and pics.Yessssss you,ve come a mighty long way!!!!!But,God isn't done with any of us yet.Sounds like your services and family time were great so happy for you all.Love to all.