Thursday, March 31, 2016

Friday, March 4th

Friday morning dawned very early for us. For 2 reasons, one was the ship had made some mistakes much to my annoyance considering I am not a morning person. Our tickets said we were to meet on the dock at 6:30am. The cruise compass said we didn't dock until 7am so the night before I called the front desk and asked which is right. My ticket or the compass. She says the ticket is right and that we dock at 6am. So we are up bright and early at 5am and  walk out on deck a little before 6 to see land far in the distance, not right next to us :-/ the compass was right and both the lady and our tickets were wrong. Humph!!! 
So off we went for some coffee and donuts. 
After getting some breakfast we headed out to the front of the ship to watch ourselves dock. And was it ever freezing out there!!
This small boat came to guide us in and tell us which dock to go to. 
And we finally made it and are now in our van headed to go swimming with dolphins in Cozumel, Mexico. 
This was where all the Dolphins were. And they got to swim out there with them. They were too far out for me to get pictures and they wouldn't let me go out on the docks for pictures as they had their own photographer and wanted you to buy their pictures. But it was very cool, and I was able to zoom my video camera out enough to get the whole thing on video, the Dolphins pushed them up out of the water and pulled them around and all kinds of things and they had a wonderful experience. 
Afterwards they went snorkeling at the beach there and I found me a nice little place to take a nap haha

Time to head back to the ship and see if we can find the parents as they went shopping for the day. 
Our ship is on the right and Freedom is on the left which we've cruised on a couple times, it is actually the same size and everything is mostly the same except Liberty had just came out of dry dock in January and had the slides and a few other things added. 
And look who we found. Paparazzi! Lol
Back on ship with some iced tea. Best place to be :-)
Looking out of the elevator 
Wandering around we ran into mom

We had a wonderful day in Cozumel. And now we are headed back to Texas. Saturday's on the ship are always bittersweet. :-( one more day of fun

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