Tuesday, April 5, 2016

Happy Birthday my Son

I can't believe my little boy is growing up so fast. Dallas turned 15 last week. It doesn't seem so long ago that he was born. Our first child! We were so excited and you were the best baby. Slept from the time you came home from the hospital. 
You were Papa's best little bud
Always ready with a big grin for everyone
Best friends
Handsome as can be

Always the cut up/goof
Hallelujah, this is going to be a good day. ;-)
Always Loving God
You always have been and still are a smart young man

And I've watched you grow and grow and then you passed me last year. 
It makes me so happy to see you playing and singing in church and involved in living for God. 
And you have almost passed your dad too. :-O 

You have a few more years yet to be a boy before you become a man. I hope you will enjoy the rest of your teenage years and always live for God with your whole heart and not just because Dad and Mom do it but because you have a personal relationship. 
Dallas is counting the days until he can drive. He has dreams of going to college and being an engineer. He excels in school and will be finishing this school year a little ahead of scedule so that he can continue ahead of schedule to graduate early and get a head start in college. He plays the piano and saxophone in church and sings in the choir and has been known to jump on the drums from time to time and he is also our sound man most of the time. 
Yes I do love my boy to pieces if you haven't figured that out yet. Hehe
I dread the day he drives away in a car all alone. I will worry like crazy. 


Gram said...

Wow I must be really old to have a Great Grandson 15 yrs. old!!!!!! I have been on this journey with him,from the minute he was born.He has always been loving and respectful to Grandpa and I. Always a hug waiting for us.Love him more than words could say.Always in my prayers.

Anonymous said...

Oh to be that young again. Helping my little man along through the complicated things of riding tractors and mowing grass. Now it's the simple things of, which car are you buying me on my next birthday. Then the ideas to help so he gets the right one.. LOL

Dallas and Dakota's Mom said...


imcyndi said...

My First born Grandson. My little man has grown up so fast. I miss him so much. Miss both of my little men but this is Dallas's birthday. Was so nice to spend some special time with him this past week. I too pray he lives for God all the days of his life. Love him more then words can say he has always held a very special place in my heart and always will. He wants me to promise my Mercedes to him when he graduates. I guess if he graduates as an engineer he will have earned it๐Ÿค“๐Ÿ˜‰ Love you much Dallas stay faithful and true and God will bless you exceedingly!!!!