Last week for youth we had bible study and were privledged to have the Garzas come and do our first lesson of learning a song in Spanish. We are going to try and incorporate some Spanish songs into our worship service and where better to start than with the youth.
A couple weeks ago the youth night lesson was about sometimes we have things in our life that break us. And so they had to take a banana and cut it into pieces how thy thought maybe their life had been at some points.
Sometimes we try to put the pieces back together ourselves. So then they had to put their banana back together. With tape, toothpicks, forks, needle and thread.
Not the thing to do. It just never goes back the way it was when it was fresh and new...
But if we just turn it over to God He can put it back together just as good as new. And that just the lesson in a nutshell, there was more detail than that but you get the idea.
Then we played a game. I think as adults we remember our youth and how the adults always picked messy games for us and so the cycle continues throughout the years until we think that's what your supposed to do and what youth love right? Haha probably they don't but being young they are always good sports about it and create many laughable moments and have a wonderful time.
For this game they had their team mate put shaving cream on their face and then had to see who could get the most cheese puff balls to stick in the alotted amount of time.
Pastor and Dallas were against the clock with Austin and Dakota
The shaving cream stuck very nicely to Pastors face along with his forehead and into his hair. Dakotas didn't fare so well which made Austin have much more of a challenge.
Dallas had a much bigger target than Austin because he had the shaving cream clear up on top of Pastors head and so therefore made the teams uneven not to mention the shaving cream just kept melting off of Codas face lol it was quite humorous. That day Pastor, Dallas and Bro. David had built a fire pit. So we all headed out after games for roasting marshmallows, hot dogs, cheese puffs, Oreos, twix bars :-p whatever they could get their hands on lol we all had a great time as usual.
1 comment:
So much fun!!!!
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